Wednesday, June 7, 2017


Well we are in Tok, Alaska. It really was a short drive from Beaver Creek RV Park. We rolled up to the Three Bears RV Park where our fearless leaders of  Loosey Goosey group Dennis & Carol Hill were camped. We got set up and sat around and talked. A lot of good things were said about a place called Mukluk Land and we had to see this place So when it opened we were there. What a great place something you have to experience it's not fair to tell you up front what its about.the Next place
to go is a place called Fast Eddy's we agreed we would meet 5:00 for dinner.Fast Eddy's is known for the best fried mushrooms, not to mention the other foods they serve is just as good. This is a must stop at place very good! Very good first day in Alaska  and we are looking forward to the rest of time here in Alaska.

                                                                              Skinner Back!!

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